The Crane hotel
Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands with a heavy Price tag and a once in a lifetime experience! Complete with a Rooftop (Crane top?) spa.
Prices start from around $750 depending on your room and site you use.
Not for those afraid of heights!
Jumbo Stay
From Crane to Plane. “Jumbo Stay” is located in Stockholm Sweden and features rooms inside an old decommissioned Boeing 747.
Economy Shared rooms start from around $50 up to $450 for the prestigious “Cockpit suite”.
Luxury and cheap rooms available!
Below shown the Cockpit Suite and some Shared 4 Bed dorm.
Seraphim Cave Hotel
From the a towering Crane to an old Plane the only place to go now is a cave!
Seraphim Cave Hotel is located in Uerguep, Turkey and allows you to stay, well.. in a cave.
Rooms can surprisingly be found for under $200 a night. Windows not included.
After some time in Turkey you may want to cool down, what better than a room made of ICE?
This hotel in Kiruna, Sweden features rooms made of ice. Your wallet might be just as cold after the price on the Delux Suite!
Jamala Wildlife Lodge
Have you ever wanted a shark tank in your room, if so then Jamala lodge in Canberra, Australia might be for you.
Once again, watch out for both the shark and the cost of the room as they run close to $1000 a night!
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