Top Crypto Payment methods on for Q3 2020

3 min readOct 19, 2020

Opinions and views expressed are solely that of my own. Always perform your own research on all topics. Not Financial advice. Disclaimer: I hold some of the tokens mentioned in this article. This is not an official article in any capacity.

Quarter 3 2020 saw approximately $850,000 in revenue on using Crypto payments. Total when including Credit Card over $1.3 Million USD in revenue.

I think it’s interesting to see how Crypto payment adoption is growing.

So what are the top used Crypto payment methods?

Each booking made on the platform regardless of the payment method (Crypto or Fiat) will interact with the AVA asset to bring the users a smooth and rewarding experience.

Before I get started it’s worth noting these values used represent total revenues and there may be some additional revenue streams not accounted for so take all of these values as Approximations only. EG: Flights not depicted but showing into Booking value %.

The values and sources come from the monthly reports and sources below.

Each user who joins the platform is automatically created their very own wallet instantly and seamlessly within seconds of logging in to make a booking. Each booking completed will automatically get a REWARD directly into their wallet in the form of AVA

At the end of each Quarter will burn/Destroy AVA based on a revenue percentage from the previous quarter.

It’s pretty simple to see how bookings using any Payment Method are growing the utility of AVA and leading to it’s scarcity via either distributing it to users as rewards or burning it.

I’m looking forward to seeing if Crypto will remain such a high percentage of the payment methods when the mass adoption of the booking site and /or Crypto payment methods.




Twitter - @xenzor1 All views and opinions expressed are that of my own.